The Daycare Assessment System improves the current long-term care system by providing a complete individualized care service plan. It includes detailed measurement records for effective care management and allows for efficient dispatch and quality service management. The system’s digitalization enables systematic big data analysis, addressing current pain points in daycare services.
Case Maintenance Management
- Case Journal
- Initial/Reassessment Evaluation Forms (Includes initial confirmation, disease investigation, physiological assessment, daily living capabilities, dementia screening, behavioral issues, Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia, rehabilitation progress records, and assessments)
- Customized Care Service Plan
- Life Assistance/Independent Training Assessment Form
- Service Forms
- Upload Historical Records
Reminder Records
- Various Case Form Reminders
- Training and Certification Reminders
Event Records
- Monthly Activity Schedule
- Activity Planning Document
- Outing Activity Record Form
- Infection Case Records
- Family Meeting Records
- Assistive Device List
- Pre-service Training Roster
- Missing Care Record and Physiological Measurement Log
Administrative Forms
- Distinguishing daily, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, annual, and irregular use and registration of administrative forms.
Human Resources Management and Data Analysis
- Managers can view and edit employee onboarding data.
- Track certifications and relevant training qualifications.
- Implement role-based access control for different roles.
- Utilize data analysis to understand long-term care management patterns.
Case and Their Family
- For the Case: Tailoring a comprehensive ‘Case Care Service Plan’ based on individual physical and psychological conditions.
- For the Family: Utilizing the ‘Family Contact Book’ platform to observe and understand the care situation of family members. Interactive responses can be provided through the platform.
Long-term Care Facility (Administrator, Social Worker, etc.)
- For Administrators: In the system, administrators can explicitly maintain and view the job requirements, training, and licenses requested for social workers, nurses, physical therapists, etc., with important item reminders and notifications. Different permissions are set for various staff roles.
- For Social Workers: Provides work management and tracking, with daily, weekly, seasonal, or periodic task expiration reminders. It clearly lists any missed care items for updating care records.